When it comes to saving lives,

you don't need an Expert,

you need an Advocate.

Our job is creating Advocates, your dollars make it possible.

It only takes 4 weeks to develop a Community Advocate and support a community.

It only costs $1,000.

It only takes 4 days to develop a Family Advocate and support a family.

It only costs $100.

It only takes 4 hours to develop a Personal Advocate and support a person.

It only costs $50.

It only takes 4 minutes to train a Peer-to-Peer Advocate to have The Talk That Saves Lives.
It only costs $20.
It only takes 30 seconds for a teen to take action on the thought that dying is better than living.
It only costs the rest of that teen's life.

Help us train more Advocates.

Your Dollars Save Lives.

© 2024

The Suicide Prevention Society is a d.b.a. of

Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Inc.

©Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Inc.

All rights reserved.

The Teen Suicide Prevention Society is a

501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation.

FEIN #85-0630760

935 N Beneva Rd Ste 609-1064

Sarasota, FL 34232 United States