The Teaspoon Report

Where A Spoonful Of Optimism Goes A Long Way

Leaving Shouldville

Leaving Shouldville

If you truly want to leave Shouldville and live a life free from guilt, regret, judgement, and blame so that you can spend more time in your Happy Place, follow these directions, and repeat often. ...more


July 24, 20213 min read

And Then There Were Elephants

And Then There Were Elephants

The “Elephant in the Room” metaphor is often used to describe something obvious to others that we usually cannot see. The “Elephant in the Room” is whatever holds us back . . . ...more


July 23, 20214 min read

The Crack In The Foundation Of Our World

The Crack In The Foundation Of Our World

Stress Happens. Even in the season of giving thanks, giving gifts, and getting together. . . stress happens. ...more


November 29, 20202 min read

“Your Message Felt Like A Slap In My Face!” And Other Feedback That’s Fun To Receive. . .

“Your Message Felt Like A Slap In My Face!” And Other Feedback That’s Fun To Receive. . .

". . . Let's end the silence. But let's do it in a way that respects the struggle and the pain that the fight with suicide is . . . ...more


November 24, 20203 min read

A Silent Epidemic

A Silent Epidemic

Did you know that teens are attempting to take their own lives at the rate of over 3,000 a day? . . . and that's just in the US. ...more


April 01, 20204 min read

50 Years In An Invisible Jail

50 Years In An Invisible Jail

For 50 years his body and soul harbored the trauma of seeing his parents’ heads battered & bloody and his brother’s knees crushed into the dashboard . . . ...more


July 24, 20182 min read

© 2024

The Suicide Prevention Society is a d.b.a. of

Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Inc.

©Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Inc.

All rights reserved.

The Teen Suicide Prevention Society is a

501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation.

FEIN #85-0630760

935 N Beneva Rd Ste 609-1064

Sarasota, FL 34232 United States